A sustainable company approach

The mission of the B&B education center is to create a positive impact on the general education of the population and to increase the level of current competences, thus contributing to improving the employability of the active population.

Our aim is to enable all adults to have access to high quality educational and learning opportunities that will promote the development of their full potential. In doing so, we link individuals' personal experiences with wider social, economic, cultural and environmental considerations. Our education and training programmes ensure the acquisition of standardised knowledge and internationally comparable competences that enable individuals and businesses to realise their visions and gain a competitive advantage.

We work to promote the diversity, quality and sustainability of our education programmes. At the same time, we recognise that as an educational organisation we are a key element in the environment, encouraging individuals to acquire both formal and informal knowledge and learning habits. Through our activities, we promote lifelong learning, strengthen individuals' self-confidence and improve their position in the labour market.



We respect the diversity, opinions and contributions of each individual and value mutual respect and empathy in all aspects of our work.

Sustainable development

We are committed to sustainability in all our activities and encourage thinking about long-term impacts on the environment, society and the economy.


We ensure access to education and learning opportunities for all, regardless of background, physical limitations or financial situation.

Lifelong learning

We encourage continuous learning and development, believing that knowledge does not end with formal education, but is a lifelong process.


We are flexible and responsive to change, to the needs of individuals and the labour market, so that we can provide education that is always relevant and useful.


Our commitment to excellence and the latest pedagogical approaches ensures that our programmes are high quality and effective.


Contribution to sustainability

Green business

We are committed to sustainable business and responsible behaviour towards the environment and society.

Paperless business

By going paperless, we have reduced our paper consumption and consequently our carbon footprint. We have digitised most of our documents, communications and archiving.

Digitisation and process optimisation

Digitalisation has become key to optimising internal processes. It allows us to improve management and traceability and reduces unnecessary consumption of energy and materials.

Online lectures and materials

We have moved to online lectures and materials, which ensures higher accessibility of programmes, reduces unnecessary fuel and paper consumption.

Digital advertising

All advertising is done digitally, reducing the need for printed advertisements and leaflets and reducing the use of materials.

Promotional material made from recycled materials

All our promotional materials are made from recycled materials. This helps to reduce the consumption of natural resources and preserve the environment.

Lifelong learning

Employee training to acquire new competences for business development

We offer our employees opportunities to acquire new skills and competences necessary for the successful development of their career paths. This includes both technical skills and soft skills that are important for their work and growth.

Free events to raise public awareness of the importance of a sustainable approach

We organise free events for the general public to raise awareness of the importance of a sustainable approach and encourage people to think about and act on sustainability issues.

Conference "Sustainable Development Challenges"

The conference is a high-profile event that focuses on an in-depth discussion of the most important challenges posed by sustainable development. Conference participants are provided with valuable insights and a wealth of knowledge on sustainability strategies and their distinct impact on improving the social, environmental and economic aspects of our future.

Developing staff competences

The development of staff competences is a key building block for a successful path to personal and professional advancement. Through the HR Competence Centres project, we are opening the door to a world of endless opportunities for both staff and companies.

Ensuring equal opportunities

E-form to report mobbing and discrimination

With this measure, the company promotes open communication and ensures a safe environment for employees. E-forms for reporting mobbing and discrimination allow employees to easily report inappropriate treatment and injustices, which contributes to preventing and solving these problems.

66% of women in management positions in the company

The company is committed to promoting gender equality within the organisation. The high proportion of women in management positions contributes to diversity and sets an example for encouraging women to advance in their careers.

Circular economy

Municipal material cycle

As members of the Municipal Material Circle, we actively follow the principles of the circular economy, which is based on better management of raw materials, recycling and preservation of the natural environment. We use only hygienic paper made from tetrapak packaging.

Propagation of plants with rootstocks

Our contribution to environmental conservation also includes efforts to propagate plants with rootstocks. This process makes it possible to propagate plants without the need to use more energy and resources, which is essential for preserving biodiversity and a sustainable balance in nature.

Honey plants around commercial premises

By planting honey plants around its premises, the company contributes to the promotion of pollinators and the conservation of biodiversity. This strengthens the local ecosystem balance, supports sustainable agriculture and provides better living conditions for bees and other pollinators.