
Logistics engineering

Logistics Engineer

A sustainable economy needs good experts. Logistics are among the fastest developing areas. Logistics is evolving as quickly as technology changes. Logistics makes the world go around, so knowing the logistics processes for the preparation of an excellent strategy is necessary. By knowing the supply chains, the graduates are competitive in the market.

Students of logistics engineering learn the principles of economics in logistics companies and processes and get acquainted with the planning, analysis and evaluation as well as cost management of logistics processes, that is the procedures reaching from prediction and demand to after-sales service.

During their studies, they get both general and professional knowledge and the possibility of promotion in any company, including the public administration, as it is the discipline that directs the flows and is indispensable in all activities.


The work of a logistics engineer comprises, in particular, the organisation and execution of works related to procurement, production, sales and storage. The graduates can also manage the transport organisation, managing supply chains and organising a fleet.

Logistics engineering graduates acquire:

 Expertise in the field of logistics

Knowledge in solving actual challenges in the field of logistics processes

Skills for organising work related to procurement, production, sales and storage

Competences for supply chain management and organisation of the fleet and transport

Knowledge of communication in the profession and between disciplines

Ability to think critically and comprehensively

An open view of alternative solutions and perspectives

Initiative and autonomy in decision-making and management



The education is set according to the combined study model, which is a perfect combination of classical and e-study, intertwining the contact with the lecturer, networking and exchange of opinions with study colleagues, kindness, assistance of school counselling staff and distance studies.

The lectures are enriched with modern methods and focused on solving current issues. To additionally upgrade the knowledge and transfer theory into practice, we organise study excursions to modern logistic centres.

The study is based on combining knowledge with practical work. We also recognise relevant work experience as a successfully completed internship. The logistics engineering programme is completed with the defence of the diploma thesis.

Nina Lanjšček
Barbara Zakotnik-Dokl



The acquired knowledge can be used by the graduates for work in logistics centres and all organisations where storage, transport, procurement and production processes take place. Logistics engineering graduates are sought after and valued personnel in senior positions in various public institutions (police, military, etc.) as well as in micro, medium and large private organisations.