
Electrical power engineer

Electrical power engineer

The electrical power engineering sector is focused on modern ways of producing energy in compliance with environmental trends and analysing economic indicators.

The graduates can use the acquired knowledge for maintenance and repairs in the electrical power engineering industry, planning electrical power engineering projects, setting the relay difference and supervising the construction of less demanding installations.



Acquaried Knowledge

Graduates of electrical power engineering know how to:

Follow trends in technologies and materials

Plan and implement technological processes and procedures

Plan maintenance and repair in the field of electrical power engineering

Elaborate the design of a project task or a project

Perform measurements in electrical power engineering and set relay protection

Monitor the operating status of electrical power engineering plants

Manage electrical power installations from the management centre and carry out switching manipulations

Design less complex electrical power installations and facilities

Supervise the construction of less complex installations and facilities

Lead a department, service or shift in the field of electrical power engineering





The programme is designed according to the combined study model, which is a perfect combination of classical and e-study, intertwining the contact with the lecturer, exchange of opinions with study colleagues, kindness, assistance of school counselling staff and distance studies.

The lectures are enriched with modern methods and focused on solving current issues (including issues from your work environment). To additionally upgrade the knowledge and transfer theory into practice, we organise study excursions. We encourage the integration of theory into practical knowledge and innovation leading to progress.

The study is based on combining knowledge with practical work. We also recognise relevant work experience as a successfully completed internship. The programme is completed with the defence of the diploma thesis.



The graduates can use the acquired knowledge for maintenance and repair work in the electrical power engineering industry, making a project implementation plan, performing measurements in the electrical power engineering industry and setting relay protection, controlling the operating conditions of power plant facilities, designing less demanding electrical power installations and facilities or as head of departments, services or shifts in the field of electrical power engineering.



Nina Lanjšček
Barbara Zakotnik-Dokl