About company

Company data Company name: Company name: B&B Education and Training d.o.o. Short name: B&B, d.o.o. Registered office: Cesta Staneta Žagarja 27a, 4000 Kranj Business details: Tax number: SI11425946 Registration number: 5351600000 TRR: 30000-0003740453 Sberbank d.d. ...

Company data

Company name:

Company name: B&B Education and Training d.o.o.
Short name: B&B, d.o.o.
Registered office: Cesta Staneta Žagarja 27a, 4000 Kranj

Business details:

Tax number: SI11425946
Registration number: 5351600000
TRR: 30000-0003740453 Sberbank d.d.

Contact and locations


Mission, objectives

The mission of B&B, d.o.o. is to create a positive impact on the general education of the population and to increase the level of current competences, thus contributing to improving the employability of the active population.

Our aim is to enable all adults to have access to high quality educational and learning opportunities that will promote the development of their full potential. In doing so, we link individuals' personal experiences with wider social, economic, cultural and environmental considerations. Our education and training programmes ensure the acquisition of standardised knowledge and internationally comparable competences that enable individuals and businesses to realise their visions and gain a competitive advantage.

We work to promote the diversity, quality and sustainability of our education programmes. At the same time, we recognise that as an educational organisation we are a key element in the environment, encouraging individuals to acquire both formal and informal knowledge and learning habits. Through our activities, we promote lifelong learning, strengthen individuals' self-confidence and improve their position in the labour market.


We respect the diversity, opinions and contributions of each individual and value mutual respect and empathy in all aspects of our work.

Sustainable development
We are committed to sustainability in all our activities and encourage thinking about long-term impacts on the environment, society and the economy.

We ensure access to education and learning opportunities for all, regardless of background, physical limitations or financial situation.

Lifelong learning
We encourage continuous learning and development, believing that knowledge does not end with formal education, but is a lifelong process.

We are flexible and responsive to change, to the needs of individuals and the labour market, so that we can provide education that is always relevant and useful.

Our commitment to excellence and the latest pedagogical approaches ensures that our programmes are high quality and effective.