

Reservations. I was tormented for some time by the thought of going somewhere warm with Erasmus. I’m no longer 20 years old and have too many obligations to take such a step over night. I had to think things through carefully. Who will take care of the children during my absence? Can I take an ...



I was tormented for some time by the thought of going somewhere warm with Erasmus. I’m no longer 20 years old and have too many obligations to take such a step over night. I had to think things through carefully. Who will take care of the children during my absence? Can I take an extra week off the job? Which course would be good for me both professionally and privately? Where to go in March to avoid rain and low temperatures?

Everything was starting to come together.

Flights from Venice to Barcelona are very accessible in March, the temperatures rise to wonderful 22 degrees, and there are no crowds yet. I have decided on a course of emotional intelligence since I’m convinced that this is a skill every one of us should improve further. I believe it is necessary to point out that the children were totally fine with the grandparents.

Expanding horizons.

Travels expand horizons

It is generally known that people who travel a lot find it easier to understand other cultures and beliefs, thus strengthening cognitive flexibility, which besides emotional intelligence is on the list of TOP 10 skills that employers are looking for. Additional bonus.

Feminist posters and graffiti at every step, as well as banks with seeds for cannabis cultivation.


Is there really nothing free anymore?

The Erasmus project is funded by the EU and covers the costs of the course, transport, accommodation and food. In short, there is no reason not to take advantage of this opportunity at least once in a lifetime.

Erasmus brings people together

I’ve always wanted to visit Barcelona, but so far haven’t gotten around to it, so I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. I got in touch with Georgina, a college classmate who came from Barcelona in 2009 to study in Slovenia for a year. She kindly wrote me a long mail with all the “insider” advice, without which I would not have experienced the “true Barcelona”.

Espai Joliou – the trendiest place among locals.

“You are Slovenian too?”

First day of the course. I finally managed to find the right building and entrance, I stepped into the room, said hello in English, of course, and sat down. Soon I hear familiar words and say: “You are Slovenian too?” Another participant hears us and tells us with a smile that she comes from Slovenia too. There were 6 out of 11 participants coming from Slovenia. Wow!

Participants of the “problem solving and decision making” course we had common tasks with.

Practice makes perfect

Erasmus also tempted me due to communication in English. I like to speak English, but I need some time to “get into it”, so one week among foreigners is great for foreign language training.

I spent most of my time hanging out with participants from other countries as I’m attracted by a different way of life, culture, experience, language and way of thinking. And that way I was also able to practice English a lot.

The course was very open, with two-way communication. Chris (the lecturer) has repeatedly challenged us to discuss a particular issue, included us in the lecture and gave us various tests and case studies. There was a lot of group work, so we connected even more and got to know each other.

New friends

I connected the most with Beata from Hungary, who was late to the lecture every day. And not only 10 minutes. Because of her confusion, though, we turned a blind eye on it. I was very impressed by Shafquat, a Pakistani from Denmark with an amazing life story. Maggie from France and I chatted during every break. We all agreed to visit each other and stay in contact. Priceless.

Socialising and sharing interesting stories.

A free afternoon

The course was held in the morning, and the afternoon was the time to explore the city and try Catalan cuisine. I was able to see practically all the tourist and local attractions in one week. I walked 25km a day, as local transport is not exactly the best. It usually takes the same to get from point A to point B on foot, by bus or underground… Fitness was taken care of.

You won’t be hungry in Barcelona!

Impressions from the Gaudí masterpiece – La Pedrera/Casa Mila

Free visits – Picasso Museum, every Thursday after 7pm, Parc Güel every day outside of business hours.

General impression?

Loved it!


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