Training for Special Freight Transport Accompanying Person

Training for Special Transport Accompanying Person

Obtain a license for a special freight transport accompanying person and ensure dynamic employment. B&B d.o.o. is authorized to carry out training for special freight transport accompanying persons. The training is carried out in accordance with the regulations (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 29/2018) and includes theoretical and practical training and testing.


The training takes place in one day, lasts 8 school hours and is divided into theoretical training (6 hours) and practical training (2 hours). The examination is carried out separately.

Training topics:

Regulations in the parts relating to the performance of special freight road transport operations

Organisation and technical preparation of special freight transports

Traffic safety of special freight transports

Practical training


To take the exam, you must meet the following conditions:

Hold a licence of at least B category

Hold a driving licence for at least 3 years

Have no previous road safety criminal offenses

The exam consists of the practical and theoretical part. Once you successfully pass the practical part, you can attend the theoretical part. The date of the training and examination is published on our website.

After passing a practical and theoretical exam, you receive a certificate of professional competence of the driver – the special freight transport accompanying person that is valid for 5 years.

Špela Bedene
Špela Bedene
Urška Kerec
Urška Kerec
Klemen Sušnik
Klemen Sušnik