
7 tips for changing the career path

Why do people insist on having jobs that do not make us happy? The most common reason is fear of failure, the financial situation and comfort zone. We are glad we have a job at all, even though the pay is bad, the co-workers are unfriendly, the boss is nasty, and the schedule is dreadful. Is it ...

7 tips for changing the career path

Why do people insist on having jobs that do not make us happy? The most common reason is fear of failure, the financial situation and comfort zone. We are glad we have a job at all, even though the pay is bad, the co-workers are unfriendly, the boss is nasty, and the schedule is dreadful. Is it worth insisting and wasting 3/4 of our lives and getting health problems? Is it really easier to just wine and wait for Friday to come?

Not worth it!

Are you an artist and have you’ve barely found work in production that suppresses your creativity? Are you enjoying organising events, but are employed at a call centre? Every profession is honourable, but if it doesn’t make you happy, take action.

Get the right knowledge, support and energy to change your career.

1. Be brave.

Regardless of what the media says and what the rumours and the public opinion tend towards, there are opportunities. Sometimes it is easier to accept the known bad than the unknown good… The luck is on the side of the brave, so look for good opportunities – for your personal growth, satisfaction and earnings. The more effort you invest, the better the feeling will be. A satisfied person sows’ effort and reaps satisfaction.

2. Use connections and acquaintances.

We all have them. Write down on a piece of paper all the people you know and decide how you will contact them: in person, by phone, by email, via social networks. The question you ask: “Do you know about any job available? Do you know where they’re looking for new staff? Do you know anyone who employs? How would you be looking for a job?” All ideas are welcome. However, contact only those you believe in. When using connections and acquaintances, be moderate as you do not want to annoy anyone.

3. Believe in yourself.

Write down on a piece of paper what you have already achieved in your life. Both small and big victories count, update the list when you think of anything else. Be proud of your achievements.

Can you achieve more, get a better employment? Certainly.

4. Create a profile on one of the social networks

Employers are looking for professionals on LinkedIn before they post a job vacancy. If your skills are visual (photography, art, cooking...) boast about your artwork. Learn to use social networks; this is another small victory you can add to the list of your knowledge and skills.

5. Search for opportunities to learn new things.

You would like to work with heavy construction machinery, but you have no experience. Call the organisation that provides training and education for this profession and apply. You will meet people from the profession at your training who will give you a lot of useful information on how to get a job in this field.

6. Speak loudly about your wishes and goals.

The more you talk about your desires, the more you will believe yourself that they can come true. Humans tend to like to help each other; others will help you fulfil your desires and achieve your goals. You may also consider self-employment.

7. Learn how to design information.

Employers are looking for different ways to get “the best staff”. They also bluff and manipulate. As long as this is ethical, you can also do this as a job seeker on your career path. Don’t tell everything. Mention what suits you best at a given moment. You can also learn this at the BB career centre.

And last but not least. If you find out at the interview that the work does not work for you, admit it to yourself and to the employer. There’s no point in trying to get the job at any price.


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