
Delivering sustainable business strategies through circular innovation


International training programme for companies in the energy industry


Module 1: Wednesday, 20th October 2021 (10.00–14.30)

Module 2: Wednesday, 10th November 2021 (10.00–15.30)

Module 3: Wednesday, 24th November 2021 (10.00–16.00)

Module 4: Wednesday, 19th January 2022 (10.00–16.00)

Module 5: Wednesday, 2nd February 2022 (10.00–15.30)

Module 6: Wednesday, 16th February 2022 (14.00–16.30


Programme contents

Module 1: Introducing the concept of the circular economy and transformation of the business model within the energy sector

  • Introducing the concept of the circular economy, circularity and sustainability
  • Global trends affecting the energy sector (resource efficiency, digitalisation, changes in customer and consumer habits)
  • Dynamics of the regulatory framework: EU Green Deal; CE Action Plan and their impact on the energy sector and large energy consumers
  • Defining a concept of the industry value chain and the “Value Hill”
  • Understanding circular business models (circular product design, optimal use, value recovery), their importance for the circular transformation and their risk profiles
  • Establishing the connection between sustainability and circularity: from SDGs through sustainability strategy to circular innovation

Lecturers: Mag. Jurij Giacomelli, Mag. Karin Huber-Heim


Module 2: Exploiting the potential of the circular business model

  • A comprehensive overview of the circular transformation journey for a company in the energy sector
  • The understanding of the typology of circular business models (circular design, circular use and recovery)
  • Development path of circular transformation and renewal of the business model
  • Transforming a business model into a dynamic value chain to increase circularity: comparing, narrowing, and closing resource flow loops
  • The CAS tool (what it is and how to apply it in a company setting)
  • Improving the potential of business model circularity
  • The understanding of the value chain in the context of circularity
  • Approaches of the circular economy in the energy industries along the energy value chain (circular energy production, circularity fo the UI, symbiosis of industries)

Lecturers: Mag. Christiaan Kraaijenhagen, Ing. Mag. Werner Kössler


Module 3: Elaborating on opportunities, challenges and risks of a circular business model transformation

  • Elaborating on opportunities, challenges and risks of a circular business model transformation for companies in the energy sector
  • Understanding of digitisation and technologies, their limitations and impact on value creation within the circle for the energy sector - "Tech readiness" - digitisation in 4.0
  • Presenting tools for internal and external business environment analysis (PEST4.0, stakeholder mapping)
  • Redefining competitive advantage in the context of the circular transition
  • Transformation, reporting and KPIs of the organisation - Circular Metrics
  • Development of specific competencies

Lecturers: Mag. Jurij Giacomelli, Mag. Greta Monstavice


1st Mentorship


Module 4: Structure of redesign plan or pilot of a circular project

  • Transformation project design: risk management and willingness to experiment
  • Where to start?  - How to identify breakthrough opportunities and needs
  • Understanding linear and circular risks
  • Structure of the project plan
  • How to finance your business model transformation
  • The peculiarities of financing circular business models – the relation between the business model typology and risk profiles
  • Understanding linear and circular risks
  • Financial analysis and financial management
  • Available funding options for transforming business models (national, European)
  • Financing circular business models and enabling further growth: approaching external financing opportunities

Lecturers: Dr. Slaven Mičković, Dr. Christoph Püntmann


Module 5: Implementing the circular project plan

  • Leadership challenges
  • Knowledge transfer within the organisation
  • How to pitch – preparation
  • Initial presentations of the circular transformation plan (project) and feedback from the experts

Lecturers: Mag. Jurij Giacomelli


2nd Mentorship


Module 6: Final Transformation plan (project) presentation and feedback

  • Final presentations of innovative circular projects
  • Feedback, discussion and synthesis
  • Awarding of the »Circular Transformation Manager Certificate«
  • Closing ceremony





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